The date of the foundation of Rome was set at 21 April 753 BC. from the Latin historian Varro. The Roman historian Tito Livio tells two versions of the legend according to which the brothers Romulus and Remus, suckled by the she-wolf and descendants of Aeneas, were the protagonists of the birth of Rome. According to the first version, Romulus and Remus quarreled because Romulus wanted to call the new city Rome and build it on the Palatine hill, while Remus wanted to call it Remora and found it on the Aventine. After a clash, Romulus prevailed becoming the first king of Rome.In the second hypothesis, while the two brothers were building the walls of the new city, Remus made fun of his brother, climbing over the newly erected walls. Romulus, full of anger, would have killed Remus and said: «So, from now on may anyone who dares to climb over my walls die». In this way Romulus became the first king of the city who took the name of Rome. Rome is located in a strategic position as it is close to the Tiber river from which the fundamental salt for the preservation of food was obtained, however far enough from the sea to defend itself from enemy attacks. There are three myths about the birth of Rome. The first tells that after the Trojan War Aeneas took refuge in Lazio subduing the resident populations and marrying Lavinia, the daughter of the Latin king, founding the city of Lavinia.The second tells that Iulus son of Aeneas founded the city of Alba Longa. The last one says that God Mars conquers and seduces Rea Silva (daughter of Numitor, king of Alba Longa) from whom two sons are born, Romulus and Remus. Amulius, the envious uncle, knows how to bury Rea Silva vestal incestus alive and leaves the twins to their fate by throwing them into the river in a basket. Fortunately, the two are rescued by a she-wolf (representing a prostitute who adopts a totem animal child, venerated or feared) and later adopted by a shepherd who will reveal their origin. Once they know the truth, they return to Rome to defeat their uncle. Having chased the latter, they compete in a competition that consists of staying on two hills and sighting as many birds as possible for the throne of Rome. On 21 April 753 BC after the victory of Romulus the city of Rome was born, protected by a large sacred groove built around its perimeter. The law wants anyone who skips the salco without permission to die, as happens even to Remo I don’t know. In 716 BC after having constituted and reigned for almost forty years Romulus died. There are three myths about his death. In the first it is said that Romulus goes up to heaven during a storm will be honored as Quirino Dio Sbino, The second says that Romulus is killed by the patres or senators for his too much power and his body is buried throughout the city. In the last it is said that Romulus Killed by the patres is eaten by them to acquire his power. After its foundation few women live in Rome. A banquet is organized (inviting all neighboring peoples) during which the Sabine women are kidnapped by the Romans. Subsequently the offended Sabines will make the war in Rome losing it .. there are two versions on the entry into Rome by the Sabines. In the first it seems that Tito Tazio approaching Rome with his men had met Tarpea. This of her fascinated by her precious bracelets made him enter in exchange for the gift of them. Once in Rome, however, because of her fog they throw her off a cliff which in fact took her name from her. The vestals were priestesses chosen at the age of 576 in office for 30 years, perpetually dressed in white. Their duties were, to keep the sacred fire burning and to take care of the ingredients for public or private sacrifices. It was their obligation to maintain chastity. Considered inviolable and maintained by the state, they enjoyed considerable advantages. They do not maintain chastity, they became incestus and the punishments were very useful, as well as being whipped and dressed in black, they were buried alive with a minimum supply of food sufficient to survive just a couple of days. Rome inhabited by the Palatine people in the 10th-9th centuries BC rises in the plain of Lazio. From the eighth century the initial inhabitants unite with other peoples build the walls around the city and start a new civilization. The city of Rome stands on seven hills that correspond to the maximum expansion of the imperial period. Aventine, Campidoglio, Celio, Esquilino, Palatine, Quirinal and Viminal.
The History of Development