Hormozgan province is one of the 31 provinces of Iran. It is located in the south of the country, in region 2 of Iran, opposite Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Its area is 70,697 km2 (27,296 square miles) and its provincial capital is Bandar Abbas. The province has fourteen islands in the Persian Gulf and 1,000 km (620 miles) of coastline.
The province has 13 main cities: Bandar Abbas, Bandar Lengeh, Hajiabbad, Minab, Qeshm, Sardasht, Sirik, Jask, Bastak, Bandar Khamir, Parsian, Rudan and Abumusa. The province has 13 counties (or districts), 69 municipalities and 2,046 villages. In 2011, just over 1.5 million people resided in the province of Hormozgan. Bandar Abbas is a port city and the capital of the province of Hormozgan in the southern part of Iran. The city overlooks the Persian Gulf and takes a strategic position on the Strait of Hormuz. The first testimony of Bandar Abbas dates back to the reign of Darius the Great (between 522 and 486). Darius’ commander, Silacus, embarked from Bandar Abbas for India and the Red Sea. During Alexander’s conquest of the Persian Empire, Bandar Abbas was known by the name of Hormirzad.Orming part of the larger physiographic region of Tangistān, the Zagros highlands in Hormozgān rise from the Persian Gulf without any intermediate coastal plain. The ridges face much of the coast and have produced a coastline with few indentations.

Further east, near Bandar ʿAbbās, there are numerous salt domes; some reach altitudes of 4,000 feet (1,200 meters). The main waterways are the Mīnāb and the Kui, whose small and deeply indented valleys have reduced the possibility of irrigated agriculture and the presence of natural pastures. There is the cultivation of barley, wheat, rice, tobacco, indigo plants, dates, mangoes and vegetables. Goats, sheep and camels are raised. The development of Bandar ʿAbbās as a major port in the 1970s led to the creation of many industries, including a cement unit, an electricity generation plant, a steel and desalination plant, food processing and fishing units. .

Salt, iron ore, copper and sulfur are extracted. The roads come from Bandar ʿAbbās and connect it with the ports of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman; a railway route connects it with the Trans-Iranian railway at Kermān. Area 25,819 square miles (66,870 square km)


Suru ancient district

The old quarter of Suru is located in the central part of Bandar-e Abbas and is one of the attractions of the province of Hormozgan. Numerous coins from the Sassanid, Safavid and Qajar periods have been discovered in the area, which are now kept in the Bandar-e Abbas Museum. In the northern part of the Suru district there were groves which not long ago included thousands of date trees and other trees such as, mesquite, tamarisk and euphorbia. The people of Suru spend 3 months in these groves in the summer.

Khersin salt cave

There is a salt dome 3 kilometers from the north-western side of Siaho, a long, very curious salt cave has been created in the internal corridor. The dissolution forms of the salt have created various curvilinear shapes in the dome. The Khersin Siaho salt dome, especially the salt cascade, mark their cressis with huge columns of salt and have the unique characteristics compared to the other salt domes in the province.

Temple of the Indians

The Hindu temple is one of the notable historical monuments of Bandar Abbas, which is located on Imam Khomeini street, opposite the market. The building was built in 1892, during the reign of Mohammad Hassan Khan, the then ruler of Bandar Abbas, who built the Temple through Hindu offerings collected by Indian merchants. The building of this temple mainly comprises a central square room above which there is a dome. The architectural style of this dome distinguishes it not only from the buildings on the coasts of the Persian Gulf but also throughout Iran. The design of this monument is completely inspired by Indian architecture.

Anthropological Museum

The Bandar Abbas Anthropological Museum is located in the ancient Hindu temple of this city. Here the remains of the ancient civilizations of the surrounding islands are exhibited. In addition to this, in this museum you can see ancient objects such as local clothing and tools used in the past for crafts.

Kolah Farangi Palace

Kolah Farangi is located in the central part of Bandar-e Abbas and is one of the attractions of the province of Hormozgan, in southern Iran.

Kolah Farangi was the ancient and historical national and foreign trading house. This palace is located near the old Port of Bandar-e Abbas. As this palace was influenced by the European architecture of that period, it is known as Kolah Farangi, the Foreigner’s Hat, just like so many other buildings of the Qajar era.

Zaar ceremony, a typical anthropological ritual of the villages of the Persian Gulf.

Beliefs regarding the winds of Zaar came from Ethiopia. The “Hawa” people are those affected by one of these winds. They are, so to speak, the evil winds that are possessed by a person who must then be freed from the evil wind by performing a special ritual called Zaar. The possessed person or patient must meet Baba or Mama Zaar, that is, mom or dad the exorcist. This ceremony could only take place on a Tuesday evening. (there is no date and the ceremony takes place when the patient places his request to be released by the exorcist’s mother).

Before the ceremony, men and women dress up, comb their hair and make generous use of special perfumes, then light the incense. First a special rod is prepared for the patient, which Baba Zaar kept under close surveillance and out of sight of others for a week. Within this time, if the patient is a man, he is forbidden to set eyes on a dog, a hen or any woman (if the patient is a woman, the opposite is true). During this week the rod is rubbed on the patient’s body and given a drink, while some dark-skinned men and women with good voices drum and dance. Before starting the ceremony, a banquet of food, fragrant herbs and sometimes even blood is set up. The patient is forced to drink blood, otherwise the wind will not speak! During the dance, the patient moves with rhythmic movements and gradually goes into a so-called state of ecstasy. Now only Baba Zaar can contact him or rather speak to him, who begs Zaar to give relief to the patient. After which the patient is forced to keep himself clean, wear white clothes, strictly avoid alcohol and commit no sin, otherwise he would be possessed by Zaar again. If you are passionate about parties, cultural festivals, Persian Gulf, popular markets, Gulf islands, nomadism, photography, anthropology, historical landscapes and the fascinating culture of the Middle East GRAND TOUR INTERNATIONAL  helps you organize your trip to Iran, you can contact us and contact us about us, because our experience is born and developed in the field.

Greek ship

In 1966, a Greek steamship ran aground on the southwestern coast of Kish. The contemplation of the sun slowly setting behind the Greek ship in the azure waters of the Persian Gulf is an unforgettable memory.

Harireh city

The ancient city Harireh is an ancient city dating back to the 13th-14th century. The remains of a luxurious house, the Hammam, the historic mosque, the glass blowing workshop and the Kariz, the aqueducts, are places to visit in this small town.


One of the first stops to visit can be that of the small fishing village of Laft. In December, the heat at midday is quite pleasant, so the winter period would be ideal for visiting the island. In Laft, on the beach, a dozen workers, with their heads wrapped and their skin tanned by the sun, are busy repairing an old shack; this is a typical scene that Qeshm usually offers its visitors.

The sea has its turquoise blue color and is covered with a thick green mantle. It is the mangrove of Hara, a protected site that hosts a great biodiversity. It is possible to navigate in the middle of the canals of this marine jungle, whose colors are amazing. The water offers a magnificent gradient of blue, alternately turquoise, midnight blue or sea green, while the vegetation is uniformly green.

In the south of the island, the coast is just as wild. About twenty kilometers from the city of Qeshm, at the western end of the island, the scenery is identical: sunburnt yellow earth, flat trees and in some places small villages with deserted streets, consisting of a few terracotta houses. The coast is surrounded by deserted sandy beaches. Sometimes small deserted coves also interrupt this immense strip of sand.

Particularly worth seeing are the rock formations with the sensation of a collapse of the plates in some places. It is also an opportunity to visit the Achaemenid temple and its multi-level galleries, dedicated to Mithras and built on the mountainside. If you are passionate about the mountains, the Persian Gulf, fishing, diving, anthropology, historical landscapes and the fascinating culture of the Middle East SITO Travel helps you organize your trip to Iran, you can contact us and count on us, because our experience was born and develops in the field.





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تور سفارشی
تورهای ما به صورت خصوصی و در هر زمان از سال قابل رزرو هستند. ما همچنین می‌توانیم برنامه سفر را متناسب با نیازها و ترجیحات شخصی شما سفارشی کنیم. برای اطلاعات بیشتر و قیمت‌ها، لطفاً با ما تماس بگیرید.

Sandra Haarmann
